Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2. Demon Hauntings

2. Demon Hauntings
Demons are entities that never had a mortal human form. Origins: Extraterrestrial. Why? If you believe that God and his angels are from the 'heavens', that would make them extraterrestrial. If Satan and 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God's Kingdom, then Satan and 1/3 of the angels that became demons are also extraterrestrial. That is why they never had mortal human form. Einstein said that E = MC2. Energy can be converted into matter and matter into energy. Demons are pure energy entities. They are described in three different ways.
1. As angelic, a being of beauty that will manipulate the person to commit something that is sinful or out of the ordinary.
2. Horrific, evil looking. Some people claim, they have seen demons that are incredibly hideous to look at. I believe demons do this for a scare effect, they know what we fear and this is not their true appearance.
3. Black mist, black fog, black shadow, black smoke. Most demonic hauntings, the occupants claim to be followed by black mist or black fog.
Demons can travel from San Francisco to Hong Kong in a blink of an eye. The demons main purpose is to cause chaos and havoc upon mankind. Demons are deceivers and they manipulate our society towards social upheaval. Demons seek out our destruction. Demon cases are extremely rare. To handle demonic cases, it is essential that a blessing of the purest kind is conducted on the person or home. Consult your clergyman, priest or Demonologist.


  1. How does one get into demonology I wonder. Is there a course, or do you just have to know people.

  2. My rule? Don't fuck around with the supernatural.

  3. And what is the going demonic rate for a round trip from San Fran to Hong Kong? :D

  4. I have yet to encounter a Demon as described here. Just men. Does this theory accept the concept of possession?

  5. that's scary, but better to know than not to

  6. i think psychedelic drugs are too widely available these days. there's a difference between tripping ball and seeing demons. (in my opinion anyway

    Now I know what to look for.

  8. Dude I saw Paranormal Activity the other day that movie flipped my shit.
